Selasa, 19 Maret 2013


A clause is a group of words that contain a subject and a verb.  Clauses can take the place of different parts of speech. For instance, you are probably familiar with adjective clauses.
The man, who looked sleepy, sat down.
Who looked sleepy is an adjective clause.  It is taking the place of  an adjective.  An adjective is used to describe nouns and so do adjective clauses.
We could re-write the sentence with an adjective.
The sleepy man sat down.
Similarly, a noun clause can take the place of a noun.  This lesson will explain noun clauses, give examples of noun clauses, and then provide several quizzes to practice forming noun clauses


According to type of the sentence, Noun Clause is devided into 4 categories :
Statement (pernyataan)
Question (pertanyaan)
Request (permintaan)
Exclamation (seruan).
Introduce :

1. Statement

a. Conjunction which is used is : “that”

b. The function of this clause is :

1) Subject in sentence
Kangaroo lives in Australia (statement)
That Kangaroo lives is Australia is well known to all (Noun Clause)

2) Subject in sentence after “it”
It is well known to all that Kangaroo lives in Australia

3) co-object
My conclusion is that Kangaroo lives in Australia

 4) Objek Kata Kerja
All people understand well that Kangaroo lives in Australia

5) Apositif
My conclusion that Kangaroo lives is Australia is correct.

2. Question

A. Yes/No Question

a. Conjunction which is used is : “whether (or not/or if)

b. the function of this clause is :

1)Subject in sentence
Can she drive the car? (Question)
Whether she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or not she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether she can drive the car or not doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
= Whether or if she can drive the car doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)

2) co-object
My question is whether she can drive the car.

3) Object Verbs

I really wonder whether she can drive the car (or not).

4) preposition object
We discussed about whether she can drive the car.

B. Wh- Question

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "kata Tanya itu sendiri"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) subject sentence
What is he doing? (Question)
What she is doing doesn't concern me. (Noun Clause)
2) Complementary object
My question is what she is doing.
3) Object verb
I really wonder what she is doing.
4) preposition object
We discussed about what she is doing.

Note :

Posisi kembali normal, tidak seperti posisi sebuah pertanyaan normal.

3. Request

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "that"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Objek Kata Kerja
Read the book! (Request)
He suggested that I read the book. (Noun Clause)

Tanda seru hilang.

4. Exclamation

a. Conjunction yang dipakai adalah: "kata Tanya yang dipakai pada kalimat itu sendiri"

b. Fungsi Klausa ini adalah sebagai:

1) Objek Kata Kerja
What a pretty girl she is? (Exclamation)
I never realize what a pretty girl she is. (Noun Clause)
2) Objek Kata Depan
We are talking about what a pretty girl she is.
Catatan Tambahan:
Noun Clause dengan "that" digunakan sebagai subjek dari suatu kalimat hanya dengan kata kerja tertentu. Dan kata kerja (verb) yang penting adalah linking verb, khususnya BE.
Noun Clause dengan "that" sering menjadi objek dari verb (kata kerja), beberapa verb berikut ini biasanya mempunyai subjek yang menunjukkan manusia. Kata-kata tersebut terutama sekali adalah verb yang digunakan dalam Indirect Speech Berta verb yang menyatakan kegiatan mental.
Kata Kerja Kalimat Tak Langsung

Admit, agree, allege, announce, argue, assert, assure, declare, aver, boast, claim, complain, confess, convince, deny, disagree, explain, foretell, hint, inform, insist, maintain, notify, persuade, pray, predict, proclaim, promise, relate, remark, remind, report, say, state, swear, teach, tell, threaten, warn

Kata Kerja Aktivitas Mental

Ascertain, assume, believe, calculate, care (untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative), conceive, conclude, consider, convince, decide, discover, doubt, dream, expect, fancy, feel, find out, forget, grant, guess, hear, hold (pendapat), hope, imagine, indicate, know, judge, learn, mean, mind (untuk kalimat negative atau interrogative), notice, perceive, presume, pretend, prove, question, realize, recall, reckon, recollect, reflect, regret, rejoice, remember, reveal, see, show, suppose, surmise, think, trust, understand, wish

Alex thinks that Mary is ill.
Bob told me that he had finished breakfast.
Henry says that Jack is very busy.
He insists that there is a mistake.
He complained to his friend that his wife couldn't cook.
Dalam percakapan yang tidak resmi (informal) "that" sering dihilangkan dari objek Clause jika artinya (maksudnya) sudah jelas dapat dimengerti tanpa adanya "that".
I am sorry (that) I couldn't meet you at the station.
He says (that) they plan to come to the dance.
We thought (that) you had already left for abroad.
The reason we returned so early is, (that) one of the children got sick.
Noun Clause dari question (pertanyaan) yang terletak sesudah verb yang memerlukan 2 objek mungkin berfungsi sebagai salah satu atau kedua objek dari verb tersebut.
Give the man (Indirect Object) what is in this envelope (Direct Object)
Give what is in the envelope to the man.
Noun Clause dari pertanyaan mungkin diawali dengan kata-kata tanya yang berfungsi sebagai: Pronouns, Adjectives, atau Adverbs. Kata-kata yang dipakai adalah: Pronoun = who (ever), what (ever(, which. (ever), Adjective = whose, what (ever), which (ever), Adverb = how (ever), when (ever), where (ever), why.
We don't know who will be coming from the employment agency. (who adalah subjek dari will be coming)
We don't know whom the employment agency will send. (whom adalah objek dari will send)
We will ask whoever comes from the employment agency. (whoever adalah subjek dari comes)
We will ask whomever the employment agency sends. (whomever adalah objek dari sends)
Dalam Noun Clause dari pertanyaan, subjek dan verb mempunyai susunan yang umum, yakni terletak sesudah introductory word.
Noun Clause dari permintaan dimulai dengan that- Clause ini paling sering merupakan objek dari verb yang menyatakan permintaan, saran, atau keinginan dan sebagainya.
He is requesting that a company car be placed at his disposal.
The doctor recommended that he take a vacation.
It was suggested that she leave immediately.
It was proposed that the meeting be adjourned.
Kadang-kadang "that" yang merupakan kata permulaan Clause dapat digantikan dengan susunan infinitive setelah kata-kata kerja yang menunjukkan permintaan seperti advise, ask, beg, command, desire, forbid, order, request, require, argue.
Subjek dari that-Clause sering dalam bentuk passive dari verbs of requesting dengan susunan anticipatory it.

1) Bob told me that he had finished breakfast
2) How he becomes so rich makes people curious
3) The t-shirt your brother is wearing is made in bandung
4) All he said was nonsense
5) What you want is what we’ve got
6) Anything you say won’t make any difference
7) The answers I write here may solve your problem
8) Pay careful attention to what I am going to say
9) I do not understand how all it happened
10) I often wonder how you are getting on with him

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